Legal Blog



Understanding Cryptocurrencies: Introduction to Virtual Currencies

Cryptocurrencies  , including Bitcoin, have evolved into virtual currencies that have garnered considerable attention in recent months . As a lawyer specializing in cryptocurrencies, I will explain the purpose and impact of these  digital currencies  . Understanding...

Update on ways to protect yourself as a guarantor

Rights of the guarantor In  a significant judgment of November 15, 2017 ( Cass. com., November 15, 2017, n° 16-16790 ), the commercial chamber of the Court of Cassation affirmed that banks have the obligation to inform and Notify Guarantors When Committing to...

Real estate investment, situation in 2021

Mortgage renegotiation The year 2021 is a good year to get started in real estate investment . But if several criteria push individuals to invest in the sector, the historically low level of the credit rate also makes it possible to renegotiate its mortgage. Seize the...

The importance of the TEG in loan contracts

Credit rate  our law firm in Nice has acquired great expertise in this area, having handled many cases involving TEG. A recent case concerned a TEG posted at 6.1%, encouraging the substitution of the  legal rate  . The Importance of APR in Loan Agreements:- The Total...

How to dispute his TEG?

Disputing the Global Effective Rate (TEG) is an essential element of a loan offer. The TEG must include in its calculation all the fees imposed by your banker to agree to finance you. It can thus be used to compare different offers and must neither be erroneous nor...

Seizure: need to hold an enforceable title

Consumer loan Everyone is normally required to pay their debts, and it is of course not us, nor any other legal professional, who would come to contradict or minimize the scope of the famous article 2284 of the Civil Code, under which "Anyone who is personally bound...

The PEA PME-ETI: An investment opportunity

Revolutionary investment  As everyone knows, the taxation associated with holding a securities account has continued to increase over the years, and today has reached a clearly penalizing threshold, not to say prohibitive. And for good reason: capital gains are now...

How do I dispute my bank charges?

Question 1: Are there any illegal bank fees that some banks charge their customers? Bank charges  Today, with the role of the Banque de France and consumer associations, these  abuses  can be limited.Indeed, a broad system to fight against these illicit fees has been...

What does prepayment of a loan involve?

Loan repayment When a borrower receives an unexpected sum of money, he can choose to repay part or all of his loan before the scheduled end of the contract. However, it is important to note that the loan agreement may include indemnification clauses in the event of...

Heirs’ Accountability

Heirs' Accountability The Court of Cassation recently reiterated that during the settlement of an estate, an heir who held a power of attorney over the deceased's accounts may be obligated to provide an account of the funds they withdrew to their co-heirs. This...

Transparency of tax adjustments

According to article L. 57 of the general tax code , applicable in this case, the tax administration is required to send the taxpayer a reasoned notification of adjustment. This notification must allow the taxpayer to express his observations or indicate that he...

Bank Mergers: Implications and Legal Considerations

National Bank Mergers: Implications and Legal Considerations: – Bank mergers Merger can be defined pictorially. It is an operation which "is understood by two societies as by two rivers which unite their waters, one keeping its name and arising from the other, or both...

Tax on systemic risk: understand everything

Financial stability obliges, everyone is called upon to straighten out public accounts, starting with credit institutions. Indeed, the latter are subject this year to an exceptional contribution in  addition  to the tax on systemic risk (TRS), which ultimately has the...

The bank check: a declining value

Creditors who obtain payment by cashier's check may be required to return it in the event of recovery or liquidation of their debtor. An URSSAF has summoned a company for an arrears of social security contributions. The recovery was announced on November 5, 2007. The...

Legal treatment of unpaid checks

Warning obligation: liability of the bank for NSF checks In banking, recent events in 2013  highlight  the important role played by the bank in the payment of checks for insufficient funds. The bank cannot refuse a payment solely for insufficient funds without...

Banking ban: how to react?

The banking ban is a source of  lasting financial complications  . What are the causes and consequences, and what are the possibilities available to users to get out of this often very  embarrassing situation  ? The causes Following the issue of one or more NSF checks...

Some changes to consumer credit

Consumer credit has definitely  entered  into mores and, in 2010, one out of two French people took out this type of credit. Consumer credit law has evolved and  significant changes  are detailed here. WHAT'S NEW IN THE LAW The law of July 1, 2010 has clearly...

How do I suspend a direct debit?

Suspension of the direct debit Do you wish to suspend a direct debit? Several  situations can be considered, we take stock. Opposition to a single payment Direct debit is a direct and definitive method of payment by which you give a dual mandate to the creditor and to...

Can I be refused a payment by check?

Some merchants refuse payment by cheque… Do they have the right to do so? What are the conditions of this refusal? Yes, if the amount is derisory A merchant can refuse a payment by check when the amount to be paid is derisory: this is the case, for example, if it is...

Online auction

There is a whole series of  services  and objects strictly regulated by French law and which are not freely available for sale. Beyond that, Internet  auctions are subject to new regulations  which provide for a distinction between the different forms of sale. Can I...

Update on the importance and rules of credit

The importance of credit in today's economy Credit plays a vital role in business  and individuals, serving as a catalyst for economic growth  and financial stability. It allows companies to invest in expansion, innovation and resources, while allowing individuals to...

The binding nature of the credit agreement

Limitations on Breaking Credit Agreements Contractual integrity! A credit agreement , like any other  contract  , is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a loan. However, it is essential to recognize that credit institutions cannot...

Why can a bank refuse you a loan?

Loan refusal! You want to take out a loan and the  bank  refuses to follow you. Does she have the right? For what reasons ? Yes, and without justification A bank does not have to justify a refusal and is entirely free to grant or refuse a loan. On the other hand, if...

Over-indebtedness commission: How to file an over-indebtedness file?

Debt relief! Can I file an over-indebtedness file? How   can  the committee help me? What steps should you take if you can no longer honor your debts? Requesting compensation: the role of the Over-indebtedness Commission When faced with overwhelming debts, individuals...

Bank charges: all you need to know

Bank surcharge! Better known as " agios ", the operating costs of banks  can vary from one institution to another. How to react with your bank in the event of a payment incident? Agios Contrary to popular belief, agios are not only debit interest debited from your...

Responsibility of the banker in the granting of credit

Protection of borrowers: rules on breaking credit agreements and respecting notice periods Clarification of liability! In the field of credit agreements, it is crucial to  recognize  that banks cannot freely terminate credit agreements without consequences. Whether...

The subprime crisis in 2008

The subprime crisis also reflects an information crisis. This crisis confirms that information on financial risks is, at best scarce, at worst misleading, because of the off-balance sheet and the securitization which allows a bursting of the risk. Indeed, securitized...

The banker’s duty to warn

For a decade, the first civil chamber and the commercial chamber disagreed on the issue of the liability of credit providers for granting credit deemed excessive in relation to the borrower's repayment capacity. As early as 1995, the first civil chamber of the Court...

Mergers between banks and insurance companies in 2022

Bancassurance can be defined either from a functional point of view or from an institutional point of view. The first is understood as financial services integrating banking and insurance products The second deals with the way in which the collaboration between the...

Additional supervision of credit institutions in 2022

Additional supervision of credit institutions and investment firms. Directive 2002/87/EC aims to strengthen the supervision of financial groups which carry out their activities in several financial sectors, and frequently in different Member States. It promotes the...

Study on banking regulation

France is a Latin country of written law. The development of the banking system is traditionally determined by the laws that govern the supervision of banks, i.e. the bank-state relationship. This characteristic in turn induces frequent exchanges between the managers...