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The importance of credit in today’s economy

Credit plays a vital role in business  and individuals, serving as a catalyst for economic growth  and financial stability. It allows companies to invest in expansion, innovation and resources, while allowing individuals to meet their immediate needs and pursue long-term goals. However, easy access to credit also creates the potential for over-indebtedness and financial instability. To guard against such risks, the legislator and case law have established strict obligations for credit institutions, guaranteeing the responsible granting of credit.

Understand the legal obligations of credit institutions

Credit institutions, such as banks and financial organizations, are responsible for assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers before granting loans. This evaluation process consists of evaluating the financial situation, the repayment capacity and the credit history of the applicants. Several key legal obligations bind these institutions, promoting   prudent credit practices :

  1. Duty of due diligence: Credit institutions are legally required to carry out thorough due diligence on the financial situation of the borrower. This involves checking income, existing debts, and other relevant factors to determine the applicant’s ability to repay the loan.
  2. Responsible granting criteria: Legislators and case law require credit institutions to establish responsible granting criteria. These criteria serve as benchmarks for evaluating loan applications, ensuring that credit is only granted to borrowers who meet specific financial conditions.
  3. Transparent information: Credit institutions must provide borrowers with clear and complete information on the terms of the loan. This includes interest rates, repayment schedules, potential fees, and any other relevant details that may affect the borrower’s financial obligations.
  4. Fair and Non-Discriminatory Practices: Under anti-discrimination laws, lenders are required to treat all applicants fairly, without bias based on race, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics.
  5. Monitoring and risk management: Credit institutions have an ongoing duty to monitor loan performance and identify potential default risks. By proactively managing risk, they can mitigate negative impacts on borrowers and maintain financial stability.


In conclusion, credit is undeniably essential to fostering economic growth and meeting individual needs. However, extending credit without adhering to responsible practices can have serious consequences, both for borrowers and for the economy as a whole. To address these concerns, the legislator and case law have imposed strict obligations on credit institutions. By following their due diligence, setting responsible lending criteria, providing transparent information, promoting fair practices and implementing effective risk management, credit institutions can play a crucial role in ensuring financially healthy and stable company.

For a more in-depth analysis of a bank’s liability in the event of a credit breach, the reader may refer to the article by Maître Grégory DAMY, lawyer specializing in banking and financial law at the Nice bar.

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