Precautions to take in the event of expatriation

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Before accepting an  expatriation , there are some precautions to take… Check that you are protected in such  essential aspects  as retirement,   taxes   or even returning to France. THE TYPE OF CONTRACT There are two types of...

Cumulative fixed-term contract

Estimated reading time (in minutes) In principle, a CDD can only be  renewed  once. The employer risks heavy penalties if he does not respect this limitation. However, be aware that there are  exemptions  for fixed-term and seasonal fixed-term contracts. MAXIMUM TWO...

Trainee rights

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Internships that are not part of an  educational curriculum  are prohibited.The conditions of employment of  interns  are not always very clear. Often stuck in an unbalanced balance of power, the intern can sometimes seem helpless...

Rights of pregnant employees

Estimated reading time (in minutes)  Pregnantemployees  are protected,  particularly in the event  of dismissal. She may also benefit from adjustments to her working conditions. When she returns from maternity leave, she must find the same salary and the same...

Can I refuse an offer from Pôle Emploi?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) 6,429,900 people are currently  unemployed  in France,  including  6,099,700 in mainland France, or 9.8% of the active population, including 9.5% in mainland France .What is the policy of Pôle emploi vis-à-vis job seekers? Can we...

Can I have multiple jobs?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Can you have multiple employers? Is there a maximum working time? IN THE PRIVATE SETTING Legal provisions do not prohibit employees in the private sector from simultaneously exercising several salaried jobs.. It is therefore...