Update on ways to protect yourself as a guarantor

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Rights of the guarantor In  a significant judgment of November 15, 2017 ( Cass. com., November 15, 2017, n° 16-16790 ), the commercial chamber of the Court of Cassation affirmed that banks have the obligation to inform and Notify...

Real estate investment, situation in 2021

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Mortgage renegotiation The year 2021 is a good year to get started in real estate investment . But if several criteria push individuals to invest in the sector, the historically low level of the credit rate also makes it possible to...

The importance of the TEG in loan contracts

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Credit rate  our law firm in Nice has acquired great expertise in this area, having handled many cases involving TEG. A recent case concerned a TEG posted at 6.1%, encouraging the substitution of the  legal rate  . The Importance of...