How to dispute his TEG?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Disputing the Global Effective Rate (TEG) is an essential element of a loan offer. The TEG must include in its calculation all the fees imposed by your banker to agree to finance you. It can thus be used to compare different offers...

The PEA PME-ETI: An investment opportunity

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Revolutionary investment  As everyone knows, the taxation associated with holding a securities account has continued to increase over the years, and today has reached a clearly penalizing threshold, not to say prohibitive. And for...

How do I dispute my bank charges?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Question 1: Are there any illegal bank fees that some banks charge their customers? Bank charges  Today, with the role of the Banque de France and consumer associations, these  abuses  can be limited.Indeed, a broad system to fight...

What does prepayment of a loan involve?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Loan repayment When a borrower receives an unexpected sum of money, he can choose to repay part or all of his loan before the scheduled end of the contract. However, it is important to note that the loan agreement may include...

Heirs’ Accountability

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Heirs’ Accountability The Court of Cassation recently reiterated that during the settlement of an estate, an heir who held a power of attorney over the deceased’s accounts may be obligated to provide an account of the...