Notice: what obligations for the employer?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) When an employee resigns, can the employer force him to perform all of his notice? Can he negotiate a waiver of notice with the employee? Can I impose the execution of a notice? The employer is entitled to refuse to shorten the...

Disability: does the company have any obligations?

Temps de lecture estimé (en minutes) Do companies have any obligations towards people with disabilities? Are there any adjustments to be made? Should we hire people with disabilities? Les entreprises qui ont plus de 20 salariés ont l’obligation d’embaucher des...

Can the employer modify the employee’s contract?

Tempo di lettura stimato (in minuti) What modification can the employer make to his employee’s contract? Does the employee have a say? What he can’t do In principle, according to constant case law of the Court of Cassation, when the employer considers a measure which...

Can we reduce our charges on low wages?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) The Fillon device aims to reduce the charges on low and medium wages. Are all companies affected? Are the reductions the same for each employee? What are the points on which the employer must be vigilant? What are the reliefs? The...

The non-competition clause in labor relations

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Integrated into the employment contract, the non-competition clause prohibits the employee after his departure from the company, the exercise of a competing professional activity, likely to harm the interests of the...

The need for a renewed approach to European social law

Estimated reading time (in minutes) The European company and the European cooperative society establish innovative provisions for the worker through directives no. 2001786 of October 8, 2001 (1) and no. 2003/72 of July 22, 2003 (2). The method used by the directives,...