Am I obliged to sort my waste?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Sorting waste  is part of our daily lives, but is it mandatory? Can we be sanctioned if we throw batteries, a sofa on the public highway? HOUSEHOLD WASTE Household waste, whatever its packaging, is subject to selective...

The post office has lost my package: what should I do?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) poorly managed package! Lost or stolen package  … what recourse? We advise you point by point on the steps to take, from the simple declaration  to the administrative investigation. How to claim your package? On the one hand,...

Rights and responsibilities on the road

Estimated reading time (in minutes) What are your driving rights  ? As a driver, you have certain rights and responsibilities on the road. Understanding these rights is crucial to maintaining safety and  following  the rules of the road. Here are some important...

Right of taxi passengers: refusal and limitations

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Rights of taxi passengers: refusals and limitations When you take a taxi , you have specific rights as a  passenger  . Understanding these rights helps ensure a smooth and fair experience. Here are the main  aspects  of your rights...