Banking ban: how to react?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) The banking ban is a source of  lasting financial complications  . What are the causes and consequences, and what are the possibilities available to users to get out of this often very  embarrassing situation  ? The causes Following...

Some changes to consumer credit

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Consumer credit has definitely  entered  into mores and, in 2010, one out of two French people took out this type of credit. Consumer credit law has evolved and  significant changes  are detailed here. WHAT’S NEW IN THE LAW...

How do I suspend a direct debit?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Suspension of the direct debit Do you wish to suspend a direct debit? Several  situations can be considered, we take stock. Opposition to a single payment Direct debit is a direct and definitive method of payment by which you give a...

Can I be refused a payment by check?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Some merchants refuse payment by cheque… Do they have the right to do so? What are the conditions of this refusal? Yes, if the amount is derisory A merchant can refuse a payment by check when the amount to be paid is derisory: this...

Online auction

Estimated reading time (in minutes) There is a whole series of  services  and objects strictly regulated by French law and which are not freely available for sale. Beyond that, Internet  auctions are subject to new regulations  which provide for a distinction between...