Heirs’ Accountability

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Heirs’ Accountability The Court of Cassation recently reiterated that during the settlement of an estate, an heir who held a power of attorney over the deceased’s accounts may be obligated to provide an account of the...

Transparency of tax adjustments

Estimated reading time (in minutes) According to article L. 57 of the general tax code , applicable in this case, the tax administration is required to send the taxpayer a reasoned notification of adjustment. This notification must allow the taxpayer to express his...

Bank Mergers: Implications and Legal Considerations

Estimated reading time (in minutes) National Bank Mergers: Implications and Legal Considerations: – Bank mergers Merger can be defined pictorially. It is an operation which “is understood by two societies as by two rivers which unite their waters, one keeping...

Tax on systemic risk: understand everything

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Financial stability obliges, everyone is called upon to straighten out public accounts, starting with credit institutions. Indeed, the latter are subject this year to an exceptional contribution in  addition  to the tax on systemic...

The bank check: a declining value

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Creditors who obtain payment by cashier’s check may be required to return it in the event of recovery or liquidation of their debtor. An URSSAF has summoned a company for an arrears of social security contributions. The...

Legal treatment of unpaid checks

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Warning obligation: liability of the bank for NSF checks In banking, recent events in 2013  highlight  the important role played by the bank in the payment of checks for insufficient funds. The bank cannot refuse a payment solely...