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An interministerial circular has been published to set the guidelines for State intervention in the event of the evacuation of illegal camps, as well as the mechanism for coordinating local actors, to be implemented under the authority of the prefect.

Framework for state action in case of evacuation of illegal camps: –

The circular stresses that it is up to the prefect to execute court decisions, in particular when a judge orders the cessation of illegal land occupations, even with the assistance of the police, if necessary. Immediate action is required when the safety of persons is threatened.

However, the circular also insists on the need for equal and dignified treatment of people in situations of social distress. Therefore, it is up to the prefects to take action even before a court decision is taken. This includes offering support solutions primarily using existing resources and services available from various partners. This proactive approach aims to anticipate and respond to individual needs by establishing diagnoses and exploring support solutions in various areas such as education, health, employment and  housing  .

Roles and Missions of the Prefect Alain Régnier and the General Inspectorates:-

A specific mission has been entrusted to the prefect Alain Régnier, who will act as interministerial delegate for accommodation and access to accommodation ( DIHAL ). Its role will consist of providing methodological support and disseminating relevant information to facilitate the progress of the actions undertaken.

In addition, several general inspectorates have been entrusted with the mission of evaluating the integration and support systems for people present in these camps. They will carry out an inventory of existing systems and identify ongoing experiences and good practices to improve the overall situation.

It is obvious that addressing the challenges posed by these illicit camps will continue to be a complex and ongoing task, requiring concerted efforts and effective coordination  among different stakeholders.

DAMY Law Firm