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Assessment of savings schemes It reveals that 57.3% of employees in the non-agricultural market sector, or 8.8 million employees, have had access to at least one participation, incentive or employee savings plan .
Unequal access to  employee savings  .

Presentation of Employee Savings Plans:-

The DARES notes that the distribution of these systems is unequal depending on the size of the company: they are mainly present in large or medium-sized companies, due to the obligation of employers in companies with more than 50 employees to set them up. . Thus, nearly 9 out of 10 employees with access to one of these schemes work in a company with 50 or more employees, and in companies with 500 or more employees, 93.3% of employees are covered by one of these devices. The report emphasizes that in companies with less than 50 employees, employee savings plans (PEE and PERCO) are the main mechanisms put in place, in particular because of the simplicity of their management: 11.5% of employees have access to a PEE or a PERCO, against 9.4% for profit-sharing and 4.6% for participation.
The study also notes that profit-sharing, profit-sharing or employee savings are also more frequent in companies offering the highest salaries: 68.8% of employees thus have access to at least one scheme in companies where the average salary exceeds €25,910, compared to 34.2% in companies where it is less than €16,530.
Access to employee savings is also very variable, according to the study, depending on the sector of activity; thus, in the oil industries, 9 employees out of 10 have access to at least one of the employee savings plans.

Assessment and recommendations for improvement: –

A marked increase in the sums distributed: In 2010, nearly 7.2 million employees received a profit-sharing or profit-sharing bonus or benefited from an employer contribution on the sums they paid into a savings plan company (PEE) or on a collective retirement plan savings plan (PERCO). In total, 16.2 billion euros were paid in respect of the 2010 financial year in companies with 10 or more employees, an increase of 14% compared to the previous financial year. The study therefore notes that after two years of decline, the sums distributed in respect of profit-sharing, profit-sharing and employee savings are on the rise again. The average premium paid is €2,335. Profit-sharing and profit-sharing bonuses are amounts close to: respectively €1,546 and €1,494 per employee on average.LOSE  .

More than one in three employees received both a profit-sharing bonus and a profit-sharing bonus in 2010, for an average amount of €3,210. Finally, note that the study notes that the employer’s optional contribution to an employee savings plan, when it exists, also varies greatly depending on the sector of activity (€170 on average for a PEE in the in the transport equipment manufacturing sector, it reaches €1,120 in the oil industry sector), as well as depending on the type of scheme put in place (on average, for €1 paid into a PEE, the contribution of the employer is only 31 cents; it is 81 cents for a € 1 paid into a PERCO).