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Labor reform Since September 22, 2017 , Emmanuel Macron has signed and published five ordinances reforming labor law, with the aim of strengthening social dialogue within companies and granting more freedom to stakeholders. This comprehensive reform includes 36 measures, including several key provisions:

Simplified negotiations and consolidation of employee representative bodies:-

As part of the labor law reform signed by Emmanuel Macron, companies with fewer than 20 and 50 employees benefit from easier negotiation processes with elected officials. In addition, the reform introduces the integration of all staff representative bodies into a single entity called the “social and economic committee”. These measures aim to streamline communication and promote more effective social dialogue within companies.

Labor reform refers to changes in labor laws and regulations aimed at improving the conditions and rights of workers in the labor market. These reforms are usually implemented by governments or employers in response to various factors such as economic changes, changing work dynamics and societal demands.

One of the main objectives of labor reform is to ensure fair treatment and protection for workers. This includes safeguarding their rights to fair wages, reasonable working hours and safe working conditions. Labor reform also addresses issues such as workplace discrimination, harassment and child labor, seeking to eliminate these practices and promote equality and dignity in the workplace.

Flexibility of employment contracts and redefined compensation for industrial tribunals: –

Emphasizing the flexibility of the labor market, the reform allows companies, through majority agreements, to decide on working hours, remuneration and employee mobility. In addition, a scale is established to cap industrial tribunal compensation in the event of unfair dismissal (excluding cases of discrimination or harassment), replacing the amounts previously set by the judge. The reduction in the labor court hiring time is another notable development. These measures are intended to provide employers and employees with greater flexibility while ensuring a balanced framework for  resolving disputes  .