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Do companies have any obligations towards people with disabilities? Are there any adjustments to be made?

Should we hire people with disabilities?

Les entreprises qui ont plus de 20 salariés ont l’obligation d’embaucher des personnes handicapées à hauteur de 6 % de leur effectif. Pour se mettre en conformité avec la loi, elles peuvent soit recruter directement, soit passer une convention avec le secteur protégé ou adapté, soit accueillir des stagiaires handicapés, ou encore verser une contribution à l’Agefiph (association de gestion du fonds pour l’insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapées) pour se mettre en conformité avec cette obligation de recrutement.

Comment négocier les conditions de travail ?

In companies with more than 20 employees, the working conditions of disabled people must be negotiated annually with the unions. If there is no union, you have to negotiate directly with the person concerned. The law of February 11, 2005 lays down an additional condition of non-discrimination concerning people with disabilities in terms of working conditions and their career development. It lays down the principle that if there is a disciplinary sanction or professional development, this must not be because of the person’s disability, but because of their skills or faults committed unrelated to the disability.

What are the arrangements to be made?

The law of February 11, 2005 lays down two basic obligations for companies that employ disabled people: first of all, they must ensure that the premises are accessible to them and also provide for workstations to be adapted so that the disabled person can work in the same conditions than other employees. There may be derogations accepted by the prefect, in particular on conditions often of a technical nature related to the building.

What to do for customers with disabilities?

There are no obligations for businesses that welcome disabled customers. However, if companies begin renovation work on their service premises, they will be subject to the rules of accessibility for people with disabilities. Since January 1, 2015, all premises, new or old, must be brought into compliance with accessibility standards so that all customers can access the services or services offered by the company.

DAMY Law Firm, Nice, Disability Rights, Update 2022