I am the victim of a misdiagnosis

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Misdiagnosis, incorrectly dosed prescriptions, it may happen that you are treated poorly. Can you turn against a caregiver, a hospital or your attending physician?   How to prove it? If you suspect a misdiagnosis, you should first...

Can I choose my hospital?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Article L1110-8 of the Public Health Code , amended by Law No. 2016-41 of January 26, 2016 – art. 175 specifies that “The patient’s right to free choice of his practitioner and his health establishment and his mode of...

Road accident and bodily injury

Estimated reading time (in minutes) In the event of a   road accident , what happens if the person absconds, is uninsured or insolvent? And how can I assert my  rights  with the insurance? How can I claim my rights? The simplest way is to request the intervention of...

Ski accident: What liability?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Winter sports are very  accident prone  . How areresponsibilities determined? How to get rectified? “In the event of a skiing accident, the determination of responsibility may depend on various factors. This may include assessing...