Can there be a breach for fault in the cohabitation?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Breakdown of cohabitation A breakup of cohabitation can prove to be really detrimental for the remaining spouse. Can there be termination for fault? Can you sue your ex-boyfriend? The principle of freedom Concubinage is a de facto...

How is the residence of a binational child determined?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) In the event of the separation of a binational couple , the question of the residence of the child can become very complicated if the parents no longer want to live in the same country. Where will the child live? Who will decide on...

My ex-spouse does not want to leave home despite a divorce

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Despite a divorce application, your ex-spouse does not always want to leave the marital home. When does he have to leave  legally  ? Can we get him fired? Despite a non-conciliation order As part of a divorce application , the...