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Non-driving coverage! When his vehicle is  immobilized  on a public road or in a private place, must he be insured? Which insurance should I choose?

Yes it is a necessity

Insurance is compulsory for all motor vehicles parked on public roads, whether or not they are in working order Indeed, even if it is out of order, it must be covered by insurance. If the vehicle is parked in a private place, insurance is not compulsory according to the Highway Code. Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended because the vehicle can cause damage to third parties: for example, if it catches fire, or if the brakes are defective and it hits a person or property. Insurance is therefore necessary.

Which insurance to choose?

Non-driving coverage! The majority of multi-risk home contracts do not cover damage involving a rolling or non-driving vehicle. You must therefore take out  car insurance  . For immobilized vehicles, some mutuals and insurance companies offer “parking” or “non-driving vehicles” contracts for which the amount of premiums is quite low. Failing this, you can take out so-called “third-party” insurance, which covers damage caused to persons and property, with the exception of the vehicle itself. If it is a valuable vehicle, it may be worth taking out all-risk insurance.

The risks if the vehicle is not insured

Whatever the place of parking, the risk for the owner is to have to compensate the victims themselves in the event of a claim. The sums to be paid can be very large and this can even lead to the seizure of the property of the owner. There is a guarantee fund to compensate the victims, but this can turn against the owner of the vehicle. The risks are therefore very high if you do not insure your vehicle and insurance is therefore strongly recommended.
DAMY law firm , Nice, Auto insurance, Update 2022.