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Street property! If we find a lost object in the street, do we  automatically become  its owner ? Can’t we return it to its owner if we know who it is?

An object ?

Street property! We have the right to pick up any  object  that we find in the street, be it a book, a mobile phone, an animal… Nevertheless, we must ensure that the object does not bear any trace of individualization, it is i.e. the traces of their possible owner: for example, a tattoo on the ear of a dog, a dedication in a book, a visit… In this case, one is invited by law to seek the true owner of object, on pain of being outlawed. If we can’t find clues to find the owner, we can keep the object. After a period of 3 years, you become the owner, and no longer its temporary holder.

If I am asked for the object?

If someone claims an object of which you are the temporary holder, you must return it to the person who claims ownership if they have proof of ownership: declaration of handrail, procedure with the police, the insurer or newspapers. If there is any controversy over the evidence provided by the alleged owner, it will be up to the High Court to decide. The 30-year common law period only applies in the event of deliberate omission to seek the owner on the part of the person who found the object. In this case, whoever finds an object will be a fragile holder for 30 years; otherwise, it will become the owner after 3 years, unless proven otherwise.
DAMY law firm , Nice, Update 2022