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Simplified Successions This regulation makes it possible to clarify the procedures during the liquidation of an international succession. From now on, the place of habitual residence of the deceased will be the sole criterion taken into account to establish the jurisdiction and the legislation applicable to the said succession, regardless of the country in which the assets of the deceased person are located.

Regulation (EU) n°650/2012: Simplifying International Succession Procedures:-

Regulation (EU) n°650/2012, which was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, aims to streamline the liquidation process of international successions. This regulation introduces significant changes by adopting the deceased’s habitual residence as the sole criterion for determining jurisdiction and applicable law, irrespective of the location of the deceased person’s assets.

European Certificate of Succession: Facilitating Cross-Border Inheritance Matters:-

In addition to clarifying jurisdiction and applicable law, the Regulation also introduces the concept of the European Certificate of Succession. This certificate aims to simplify the administrative procedures involved in establishing one’s status as an heir or administrator of a succession across the European Union. By presenting this document, European citizens can prove their inheritance status in any Member State without the need for additional formalities.

The implementation of Regulation (EU) n°650/2012 addresses the challenges and complexities that arise in cases of international successions. By harmonizing the rules and procedures, this regulation offers a more streamlined and efficient framework for managing cross-border inheritances within the European Union.

With the establishment of the deceased’s habitual residence as the primary factor for determining jurisdiction and applicable law, the regulation eliminates potential conflicts and uncertainties that may have arisen from the dispersion of assets across different countries. This approach brings clarity and coherence to the succession process, ensuring a more consistent and predictable outcome for individuals involved in international successions.

The introduction of the European Certificate of Succession is a significant development, providing a standardized document that simplifies the process of establishing inheritance rights across EU Member States. By presenting the certificate, heirs can demonstrate their legal status without the burden of additional administrative procedures or requirements.

In conclusion, Regulation (EU) n°650/2012 represents a crucial step towards harmonizing and simplifying the procedures involved in the liquidation of international successions within the European Union. By adopting the deceased’s habitual residence as the main criterion for determining jurisdiction and applicable law, and introducing the European Certificate of Succession, this regulation promotes efficiency, clarity, and legal certainty in cross-border inheritance matters.