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Sexual exposure! Before, we spoke of indecent exposure, today it is about sexual exhibition . For it to be characterized, it is necessary that one clearly had the will to exhibit in public prohibited behavior such as sexual acts, obscene gestures or even one’s nudity. But what is the limit of what can be done in public and in private? When can you be sued?

In a public place

In principle, if the act takes place in a public place, it can be sanctioned. For example, if there is a sexual act on a beach in the middle of the day. On the other hand, if it takes place at night, the desire to be seen is difficult to prove. Likewise, if the behavior takes place in a place not easily accessible to the public, such as in the countryside, the desire to hide is evident.

In a private place

There is an exhibit in a private place so people can see you. For example, if you are naked at home knowing that you can easily be seen. Or in his car, which is a private place, depending on where the vehicle is. For example, if the car is out of sight or if the car is parked on a busy street.

What are we risking?

If you are prosecuted for sexual exhibition, you are tried before the criminal court. Either someone filed a complaint or the police arrested you. You then risk a year in prison and/or a fine of 15,000 euros. The penalty depends on the seriousness of the sexual exhibition.
DAMY law firm , Nice, When is there sexual exhibition? 2022 Update