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Furnished Rentals Administrative procedures are necessary and mandatory for furnished rentals that are not used by their owner as their main residence.

Once the status of tourist residence has been obtained, it is then possible to request the classification of the establishment.

Administrative procedures:-

The administrative procedures concerning a furnished rental are different if the accommodation is used as the owner’s main residence or if it is intended solely for furnished rental.
No action with the town hall is necessary if the owner only rents the furnished accommodation for a maximum of 4 months in the year and occupies it the rest of the time, except for medical or professional reasons or in case of force. major. However, in Paris, in the municipalities of the inner suburbs, those with more than 200,000 inhabitants and those with more than 50,000 inhabitants in tense areas, a tourist tax may be applied and the rents collected must be declared. In addition, authorization from the town hall is essential to change a main residence into a tourist residence.
On the other hand, if the owner uses the accommodation as a second home and wishes to rent it out, he must make a declaration using a cerfa form nº 14004*02 to the town hall of the municipality where the real estate. Any modification of information concerning the tenant, the accommodation or the rental periods must also be the subject of a new declaration. Failure to comply with these procedures exposes the owner to a fine of €450.

About the classification of his tourist residence:-

The owner can request the classification of his furnished tourist rental from an approved evaluator of his choice.
An optional approach, the classification is a marketing tool that allows the customer to get an idea of ​​the level of comfort and the quality of service offered by the tourist residence. Based on 112 criteria, divided into 3 main areas, namely equipment, customer service and accessibility and sustainable development, the residences can be classified into 5 categories ranging from one star to 5.

The classification that is granted is valid for 5 years, but the prefect can review the decision and remove the residence from the list of classified establishments if a lack or lack of maintenance is noted.
The classification also entitles you to tax advantages in the form of a flat-rate allowance of 71% on the rents collected instead of 50%. In some towns, listed establishments may also be exempt from housing and property taxes.

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