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Driving license canceled

Motorists whose driving license has been canceled cannot use a foreign license to continue driving in France.

A canceled driver’s license means the cancellation or withdrawal of a driver’s license by the competent authorities. This is a serious penalty that prohibits the individual from driving a vehicle legally. When a license is revoked, the driver is usually required to surrender their physical license and are no longer allowed to drive for a specified period. Cancellations are often imposed due to serious traffic violations, such as drunk driving, dangerous driving, or repeat violations. To regain the privilege of driving, the individual must usually meet certain conditions, such as completing a driver education program, paying fines or serving a period of suspension, as directed by the licensing authority.

This was recalled by the Court of Cassation in a case where a driver was prosecuted for having driven a vehicle while he was subject to a measure of cancellation of his license. In his defence, this motorist maintained that at the time of the check, he held a valid Spanish driving licence, obtained following the exchange of his French licence.

The Court did not follow his reasoning. The cancellation of the French driving license necessarily entails the prohibition of the right to drive on national territory, even if the driver holds a license issued by another State.

Foreign driving license

A foreign driver’s license means a driver’s license issued by a country other than the one in which the individual currently resides or drives. When a person moves to a new country or becomes a resident of another country, they may be required to exchange their foreign driver’s license for a local one, depending on the new country’s regulations and requirements.

In the context of driving in France, it is important to note that a foreign driving license does not have the same validity as a French driving licence. Although individuals may be allowed to use their foreign license for a certain period, there are restrictions and limitations. In the event of cancellation of the French driving license, it is not possible to be satisfied with a foreign license to continue driving in France. The cancellation of the French license automatically prohibits the individual from driving on French territory, regardless of the possession of a valid license from another country.

It is essential that individuals familiarize themselves with the specific rules and regulations concerning foreign driving licenses in the country where they reside or drive, in order to comply with the rules and avoid legal problems. Consulting local authorities or legal professionals can provide accurate and up-to-date information on the requirements and limitations associated with foreign driver’s licenses.

Law firm DAMY 2020