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Modification of Ecological Bonus Scales: Supporting Clean Vehicle Purchases

In a decree issued on July 30, 2012, the scales for the “ecological bonus” were revised to encourage the acquisition of environmentally friendly vehicles starting from August 1, 2012.

For electric hybrid vehicles emitting less than 110 grams of CO2 per kilometer, the ecological bonus was increased from €2,000 to €4,000. In the case of other vehicles, the aid was adjusted as follows: from €5,000 to €7,000 for a CO2 emission rate of 0 to 20 grams, from €3,500 to €4,500 for an emission rate of 51 to 60 grams, from €400 to €550 for an emission rate of 61 to 90 grams, and from €100 to €200 for an emission rate of 91 to 105 grams. To benefit from the bonus, either the dealer agrees to deduct the amount from the purchase price (inclusive of tax), or the buyer must complete a form to request payment of the ecological bonus for individuals.

Conversely, if the purchased vehicle emits more than 140 grams of CO2 per kilometer, the buyer will be subject to a penalty.

Increased Incentives and Penalties for Vehicle Emissions

The modification of the ecological bonus scales aims to incentivize the purchase of cleaner vehicles, particularly electric hybrids with lower CO2 emissions. The increased bonus amounts serve as a financial incentive for individuals to choose environmentally friendly options, ultimately contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation.

On the other hand, the penalty imposed on vehicles emitting more than 140 grams of CO2 per kilometer serves as a deterrent to discourage the purchase of high-emission vehicles. This penalty system acts as a means to promote environmentally conscious choices and encourage individuals to consider vehicles with lower carbon footprints.

The revised ecological bonus scales align with the broader goal of transitioning towards greener transportation options and reducing the impact of vehicular emissions on the environment. By adjusting the incentives and penalties based on emission levels, the government aims to encourage the adoption of cleaner vehicles while discouraging the use of high-emission ones. These measures contribute to the overall efforts in promoting sustainability and mitigating climate change through incentivizing greener transportation choices.