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Remuneration of Notaries in Divorce Proceedings

The judgment delivered by the second civil chamber addresses an important question regarding the remuneration of notaries appointed by the judge in divorce proceedings. Specifically, it examines whether the remuneration should take the form of expert fees or tariffed emoluments.

Role of the Notary and Determination of Remuneration

In the context of liquidating the matrimonial property regime during divorce proceedings, the notary appointed by the judge does not function as a legal expert. As a result, the judgment clarifies that the notary is entitled to receive a proportional emolument based on the tariff table for notarial deeds, rather than being remunerated as an expert.

This decision carries significant implications for legal practitioners involved in divorce cases. It provides clarity regarding the appropriate form of remuneration for notaries tasked with preparing a plan for the liquidation of the matrimonial property regime. By establishing that the notary acts in their capacity as a notary, rather than as a legal expert, the judgment confirms that they are entitled to receive proportional emoluments according to the tariff table.

This distinction is crucial as it ensures consistency in the remuneration of notaries and aligns with their role and responsibilities in the divorce process. By receiving proportional emoluments, notaries can be compensated appropriately for their services, while adhering to the established tariff framework. This decision helps streamline the procedures and financial aspects related to the liquidation of matrimonial property, providing a clear framework for the remuneration of notaries and promoting consistency in divorce proceedings.

Legal practitioners can benefit from this judgment as it clarifies the remuneration structure for notaries in divorce cases, reducing ambiguity and potential disputes. This clarification contributes to the effective administration of justice and enhances the understanding of the legal framework surrounding the role of notaries in matrimonial property liquidation during divorce proceedings.