Can a mayor be worried by justice?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) In what cases can a mayor be held liable ? How ? According to what procedure?   IN WHICH CASES? A mayor can be worried by justice for all intentional faults. It can also be for unintentional faults which concretely cover the...

Moral harassment at work

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Bullying is always difficult. But when the  abuser  is your supervisor, the pressure can turn into a  nightmare  .   Attempt an AMICABLE SOLUTION Employees who are victims of moral harassment must not remain isolated. He must...

Harassment at work

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Moral harassment , historically  linked  to the field of work, is now recognized within the family unit. The law defines harassment as the act of  harassing  others through repeated acts, the effect or aim of which is to deteriorate...

Illegal downloading: what are the risks?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Do you (or people with access to your network)  practice  illegal downloading? The Hadopi law has set up a system of warnings and penalties that can lead to the  suspension  of your internet line. PROHIBITED FACTS. The Hadopi law,...

Online fraud

Estimated reading time (in minutes) “Phishing”, money laundering, counterfeiting… On the Internet, there are many scams! How to avoid them and not be fooled? Theft of bank data The theft of bank data begins with taking control of the Internet user’s virtual identity...