Partial refund

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Abusive Clause An abusive clause refers to a contractual provision that unfairly favors one party at the expense of the other, creating a significant imbalance in their rights and obligations. These clauses are considered unfair and...

Heirs’ Accountability

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Heirs’ Accountability The Court of Cassation recently reiterated that during the settlement of an estate, an heir who held a power of attorney over the deceased’s accounts may be obligated to provide an account of the...

A few things to know before making a donation.

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Dynamics of donations Before making a donation, it is important to determine whether a notarial deed is required. In the case of manual donation, the transfer of ownership to a beneficiary is made by physical delivery rather than by...

Courts Ruling

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Court’s Ruling The Civil Code, specifically in Article 973, outlines the requirements for a valid will. According to this article, a will must be signed by the testator in the presence of witnesses and a notary. In cases where...

The decree

Estimated reading time (in minutes)<br /> The decree of August 28, 2012, defined the guarantees that must present the procedures used by judicial officers to serve documents electronically. The Electronic:- The means of electronic communication of judicial...

Food Poisoning Victim

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Food Poisoning Victim Food poisoning can have a significant impact on individuals, causing discomfort, illness, and disruption to their daily lives. In this narrative, we delve into the experiences of someone who fell victim to food...