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On July 11, 2012 , the Court of Cassation issued an important judgment outlining the legal implications of a job offer. According to the court, a simple offer of employment can impose obligations on the employer. This means that a written document detailing the proposed position and the start date of employment has the same weight as an actual employment contract. The case in question concerned an employee who had been dismissed due to the closure of her company. She received a letter from the new company taking over the site, which offered her a specific role as well as the terms of her  remuneration  and the date she was supposed to start.

The judgment of the Court of Cassation:-

Shortly after receiving the letter, the company informed her that it would not follow up on her initial offer. In response, the employee sued for compensation for damages suffered as a result of the broken promise of employment. Binding promises The company argued that their letter was only a job offer and did not legally bind them to follow through.

The legal implications of the Court’s decision:-

The Court of Cassation’s opinion in this case reinforced well-established legal precedents. She said that when a letter is addressed to a specific person, outlining the terms of their future employment and specifying the start date, it goes beyond a simple job offer. Instead, it constitutes a promise of employment, creating a binding on the part of the employer that commitment cannot be retracted or withdrawn. This decision clarifies the legal obligations of employers when making job offers and provides employees with a means to seek compensation for damages resulting from the breach of these promises. The decision highlights the importance of clear and unambiguous communication in the employment process, ensuring that both parties are aware of their rights and responsibilities 

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