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There are various aid schemes for an unemployed person who wishes to set up his own business: exemption from social charges, support scheme, aid from Pôle Emploi or partial maintenance of allowances… To be able to benefit from it, certain conditions must be met:

Exemption from social charges:


Job seekers who wish to create or take over a business benefit from a system known as Accre (aid for unemployed people creating or taking over a business). This aid essentially consists of exemption from social charges for a period of 12 months, and up to a maximum of 24 months for a micro-enterprise. The creator’s annual professional income must not exceed 1,820 times the hourly amount of the minimum wage. The request must be sent to the business formalities center (CFE). Applicants who receive this aid can no longer benefit from the partial maintenance of their allowances.

A support device:


Job seekers can also benefit from support known as ACRE (Aide à la resumption ou à la création d’entreprise). It is a question of accompanying the creator, from the setting up of his project to the creation of his company. It is then possible to benefit from a zero-interest loan for an amount of 1,000 to 10,000 euros over a maximum of 5 years. This loan is conditional on obtaining a bank or similar loan. Entry into the system results in the signing of a support contract with a contracted operator Nacre. You must be eligible for Accre to benefit from this scheme.

Financial assistance from Pôle Emploi:


Two possibilities can be considered:

1/ the payment of a capital which corresponds to a part of the remaining rights – the ARCE:
It is a financial aid which represents 45% of your allowances remaining to be collected on the date of the beginning of the activity. This aid is paid in two instalments, first at the start of the activity and then six months later.
To benefit from this aid, you must first have obtained the ACCRE.

2/ the maintenance of your allowances with your remuneration:
The job seeker retains all of the unemployment benefits of the return to work aid before the start-up phase. As soon as the activity begins, the applicant can partially keep his allowances, provided that he does not benefit from the aid of Pôle Emploi and that his new income does not exceed 70% of the salary on which the allowances were calculated. Partial maintenance of these allowances is possible for a maximum period of 15 months, except for persons aged 50 and over. In the event of failure of the activity created, the job seeker can collect the rights that remain to him if he registers as a job seeker within 3 years following the interruption of the compensation.

DAMY Law Firm , Nice, Help for business creation, Update 2022