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Método de prueba ilícito: sistema de control clandestino

El caso involucra a la Oficina de Correos que sospechaba que una  cartera  había abierto ciertos sobres y decidió probar esta sospecha haciéndole manejar cartas bomba que contenían tinta azul, que se liberarían si se abrieran los sobres. Sin embargo, si bien los empleadores tienen derecho a controlar y vigilar a sus empleados durante las horas de trabajo, no pueden recurrir a sistemas de vigilancia clandestinos. Estos métodos se consideran injustos y, por tanto, ilegales como medio de prueba.

Esta sección se refiere a la vigilancia abusiva de los empleados y los consiguientes despidos improcedentes. Destaca el uso de métodos ilegales por parte de los empleadores para controlar y monitorear a su personal, como el caso de La Poste que utilizó cartas bomba sin el conocimiento de los empleados. Estos sistemas de control clandestino se consideran métodos de prueba injustos e ilícitos.

In this context, we recognize the employee’s job description to control and monitor employees during working hours, but we are satisfied that we do not allow ourselves to be clandestine methods. To ensure that it is legal, it is necessary to adequately communicate to employees with prior control and guidance. Simple vigilance on the part of a supervisor in the workplace, including without prior notice, is generally not considered an illegal procedure, subject to jurisprudence.

Ilegitimacy of the law and unjustified despido

In this particular case, the use of bomb cartridges without the knowledge of the employees has all the characteristics of an easy-to- use method . Therefore, the employer cannot use the connections on this system. Consequently, the despido por  falta grave lacked  real and serious cause.

It is a fundamental signal that because a control and monitoring system is considered a legal standard, employees must be informed in advance of its existence. The simple observation and control of employees in their workplace, including without prior notice, does not constitute an illegal procedure subject to established jurisprudence.

This decision reflects the importance of just and legal practices in the vigilance of employees. Employees must follow appropriate procedures and inform employees of any control or monitoring system implemented. The use of clandestine methods, like the use of bomb cards, is considered unfair and an infringement of the employees’ derechos. To establish the legitimacy of the claims obtained by these media, the court guarantees the protection of the employees’ losses and defends the principle of impartiality. 

Bufete de abogados DAMY .