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The President of the National Bar Council has written to the Keeper of the Seals asking him to kindly extend to lawyers the procedure for verifying the personal data provided to the user.


Inscribed in articles 13-2 and 13-3 of the decree of August 3, 1962, this procedure allows notaries in particular to have direct recourse to the services of civil status officers to verify the information provided by their clients. In a letter dated July 20, the Keeper of the Seals considered that it was not appropriate to extend this facility to lawyers so that they fulfill their duty of vigilance.

The President of the Conseil National des Barreaux therefore asked him to revise his position, in order to “allow the development of the act of lawyer and its security”. “It would be difficult for me to accept the maintenance of a position of categorical refusal which would limit the probative force of the legal act and would place my profession in a situation of inferiority compared to other legal professions”, a- he estimated.

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