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Energy rating! The energy performance diagnosis (EPD) provides information on the environmental impact of a building. It is mandatory in certain real estate transactions.

What is this for ?

The energy performance diagnosis (EPD) makes it possible to estimate the average energy consumption of a dwelling and its impact on the environment. It assigns a grade from A to G, A corresponding to the most efficient housing, G to the most energy-consuming. It is often accompanied by recommendations on the nature and cost of the work to be undertaken to improve the energy performance of the dwelling (for example replacement of windows, roofing, use of insulating materials, etc.). It also provides information on the tax credit and the methods of financing the work to be carried out.

When should this be done?

Completion of the DPE is mandatory when selling or renting a home. It is appended to any promise and authentic deed of sale, as well as to the rental lease. Note that at any time, for his own use, an owner or a tenant can have one made entirely. Recently, the obligation of diagnosis has been extended to the common areas of condominiums. This diagnosis is valid for 10 years but is not mandatory when the accommodation is intended to be occupied less than 4 months per year.

Who do you contact to get it done?

This diagnosis is carried out by professionals whose impartiality is certified. Find the list of diagnosticians of real estate professionals, notaries and Ademe (Agency for the environment and energy management). The cost of this diagnosis is the responsibility of the owner and its price varies between 100 and 250 euros.

What to do in case of irregularities?

If the new owner of a dwelling notices a significant difference between his energy consumption and the diagnosis given to him, he cannot turn against the seller, the latter having fulfilled his obligation to produce the diagnosis. He can, however, seek the responsibility of the diagnostician. On the other hand, in the event of a fault in the production of the diagnosis, the seller’s liability may be engaged and lead to the cancellation of the sale and the payment of damages.


As part of improving the energy performance of buildings, owners with modest resources who occupy their homes can benefit from solidarity ecological assistance (ASE).
The amount of the ASE is fixed at 1,600 euros, the increased amount of the ASE cannot however exceed 2,000 euros. The ASE is an individual fixed premium granted in addition to a subsidy from the National Housing Agency (Anah).
This DPE has a direct impact on the price of housing and is a condition for obtaining the BBC label (low consumption building). This label will be mandatory for all building permits filed after January 1, 2013.
Such a Diagnosis is therefore not just a simple additional information document since it influences the price of real estate. Above all, the purchaser is looking for a well-rated ECD which will reduce the charges accordingly, and will avoid heavy and costly work to be carried out. It is also part of the trend of the moment which favors ecology, the era of the BBC and savings
Law firm DAMY , Nice, The Energy Performance Diagnosis, Update 2022