Abolition of the RSI

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Abolition of the RSI  The RSI (Regime Social des Indépendants) has faced numerous dysfunctions since its creation, when it was responsible for ensuring the social rights of around 6.6 million French people. Aware of the general...

Experience vs Diplome

Estimated reading time (in minutes) The only difference in diplomas does not make it possible to establish a difference in remuneration between employees carrying out the same functions, unless it is demonstrated that the possession of a specific diploma attests to...

Consecration of the Right to be forgotten

Estimated reading time (in minutes) You may have heard of it: in a decision described by some as “revolutionary”, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) granted, on May 13, about two months ago, a right “to digital oblivion”,...