How to make an estate advance?

Tempo di lettura stimato (in minuti) What is the gift before  inheritance  ? Who can receive it? IN “ADVANCEMENT OF ESTATE SHARES” A person always has the option of giving part of his estate to one of his heirs in advance: this is called the  gift  before succession,...

Job Loss

Estimated reading time (in minutes) With the new rise in unemployment in France, concern is in order among employees. Can job loss insurance be interesting? What exactly is it used for? Are there any conditions to subscribe? What is it for ? Loss of employment...

How to register a trademark in France?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) To become the owner of a trademark in France, you must file with the National Institute of Industrial Property ( INPI ). It is he who examines the application for registration. What are the different stages?  beforehand Before...

Our team

Gregory Damy Master Gregory DAMY Lawyer at the Nice Bar, manager of the company DAMY et Associés, holder of certificates of specialization in commercial law and company law , intervenes in the following areas of law: – victims’ rights (right of compensation for bodily...