How do I cancel my internet subscription?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Terminations related to internet or telephone subscriptions   require consumers to have precise knowledge of the steps to follow. SEND RECOMMENDED If your operator  continues  to bill you and debit the amount of your subscription,...

Doorstep canvassing: watch out for abuse

Estimated reading time (in minutes) Door-to-door canvassing sometimes gives rise to real abuse… So ,  can we sell everything? What are the limits to be respected by the seller? How to guard  against  possible abuse? Authorized… but regulated Door-to-door or...

Which marriage contract to choose ?

Estimated reading time (in minutes) The purpose of the marriage contract is to  organize  the financial and patrimonial framework of each of the spouses. The choice of the type of contract is made according to the couple’s vision of the division of property:...