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Fight against domestic violence: the Grenelle and the empowerment of victims

The Grenelle of domestic violence: a crucial meeting for  change

The Grenelle des violences conjugales, held on September 3, 2019, was a pivotal event bringing together key stakeholders to address the pressing issue of abuse of women. This important gathering served to highlight the various actors deemed essential to act against the harsh reality faced by countless abused women. Unfortunately, in France alone, the alarming figure of a hundred women who have died at the hands of their partner since January 1, 2019, underlines the urgency of effective solutions and implementation.

The importance of applying solutions: –

If solutions to fight against domestic violence exist, the main challenge lies in their proper application. A critical example is isolating the violent spouse from the marital home instead of asking the victim to leave. This measure is already legally established, but it is rarely applied by the courts. Recognizing that victims of domestic violence are vulnerable people under the influence of their terrifying partners, it becomes clear that they have difficulty understanding and navigating applicable laws without proper information and support.

Empowering victims: steps to follow: –

In order to empower victims and provide them with the tools to seek justice and protection, it is crucial that they understand the steps to take in the face of domestic violence. The following topics describe actions victims should consider:

  1. Seek medical assistance and file a complaint During the first act of violence, victims must consult a doctor who can document the physical or psychological damage inflicted on them. Armed with a medical certificate, the victims must then go to a police station or a gendarmerie to file an official complaint. It is important to note that simply recording the incident in a log has no legal value and should be refused. By insisting on filing a formal complaint, the case will automatically be forwarded to the public prosecutor, initiating the necessary legal proceedings and protective measures.
  2. Seeking guidance and support In addition to the formal legal process, victims can also turn to specialist services for advice and support. Our law firm is available to provide assistance and advice to victims of domestic violence. Additionally, victim support organizations, such as the Victim Action Association (accessible at  ), can provide valuable resources, advice, and additional assistance to  those in need.

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