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Home schooling! The law authorizes you to teach your  children  at home, provided you respect a certain number of rules and accept regular checks.

What freedom?

Home schooling ! It is compulsory to educate children between the ages of 6 and 16, specifies the  education code  , but it is possible to do so by teaching oneself, only to one’s own children. The choice of pedagogy is free but the level will be obligatorily sanctioned during the patent test in 3rd or the baccalaureate in terminale, within the framework of a free application.

What programs?

You can use correspondence courses via an organization approved by the state (such as the CNED for example) The child must be declared at the town hall by the family, even if distance education organizations generally take care of it. The program must respect the minimum standards of knowledge, in terms of mathematics and foreign languages ​​​​in particular, and develop the critical spirit of the student. A teacher then takes care of the follow-up of the child who must send homework regularly.

What control?

The town hall is in charge of a social control which aims to understand the reasons which led the parents to educate their children at home. The inspection of the academy is in charge of controlling the pedagogy, the content of the knowledge, the progression of the pupils and the development of their critical spirit. To carry out this check, the inspectors go to the parents’ home. They then submit a report which may contain recommendations. In the most problematic cases, when the parents refuse to implement the changes requested, the parents can be sanctioned, in particular for endangering the children.
DAMY Law Firm , Nice, Schooling of children at home; 2022 Update